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Call for Sessions

RC22 Call for Session Proposals and Organizers for the

2023 ISA World Congress

Melbourne, Australia June 25th - July 1st


This is an open call to propose sessions for the Research Committee 22 on the Sociology of Religion Program at the International Sociological Association World Congress that will take place in Melbourne, Australia from June 25th to July 1st, 2023.


Religious change in a turbulent world

Around the world, life has been disrupted by the pandemic. Meanwhile, war, poverty and climate change continue to create suffering for many. Benefits produced by technology and innovation are distributed unequally. In this context, how is the role of religion in society changing around the world? How do we reconcile the spread of various forms of secularism with the entanglement of religion and nationalism? How is religion connected with freedom and conflict? What can we learn from the study of secular people?


We seek proposals for open call for papers that can potentially attract scholars from across the globe. Each session is 110 minutes and can accommodate 5 papers and time for collective discussion.

We welcome additional ideas, especially if they come with volunteers/suggestions for session organizers. We also welcome volunteers who would be interested to coordinate session possibilities below. There are a variety of possible session formats, as explained in this link. For example, we could have an author meets critics session on one book, if such discussion would be of wide interest.

  • Religious change in Africa
  • Religious change in Latin America
  • Religious change in Asia and the Pacific
  • Religious change in Europe and North America
  • Religion and health in a pandemic and post-pandemic context
  • Religion and nationalism
  • Religion and gender
  • Methodological innovations in the social scientific study of religion


  • Sessions can be proposed in any of the ISA official languages
  • You need to prepare the Title and Session’s Description (250 words, in English, French or Spanish).
  • Apply through the Confex Site here. Then click ‘Research Committees” and then “RC22 Sociology of Religion.”


  • The deadline is May 31, 24:00 GMT. No extensions.
  • This deadline is ONLY for proposing sessions. The call for papers will be released in July 2022.


RC 22 Program Committee

Susan CARLAND, Monash University, Australia |

Olga ODGERS ORTIZ, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Mexico |

Michael P.K. OKYEREFO, University of Ghana, Ghana |

Conrad HACKETT, Pew Research Center, USA |