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Other Associations

Scholarly Associations related to Religion World Wide

Here you can find links to academic organizations related to religion around the world. They organize national, regional, and international conferences and some have their own publications and funding opportunities.

AAR – American Academy of Religion (USA)

A-ASR - African Association for the Study of Religion (Africa)

AASR – Australian Association for the Study of Religion (Australia)

ACSRM – Asociación de Cientistas Sociales de la Religión del Mercosur (Latin America)

AFSSR - Association Française de Sciences Sociales des Religions (France)

ASFeR - Associazione per lo Studio de Fenomeno Religioso (Italy)

ASR – Association for the Sociology of Religion (USA)

EASR - European Association for the Study of Religions (Europe)

ISA RC22 – Research Committee on the Sociology of Religion Microsite at the ISA Site

ISASR - Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions (Ireland)

ISSR/SISR - International Society for the Sociology of Religion / Société Internationale de Sociologie des Religions

RiFReM - Red de Investigadores del Fenómeno Religioso en México

RRA - Religious Research Association (USA)

SAR - Society for the Anthropology of Religion (USA)

SocRel - British Sociological Association — Sociology of Religion Group (UK)

SSCR - The Society for the Study of Chinese Religions

SSJR - Society for the Study of Japanese Religions (Japan)

SSSR – Society for the Scientific Study of Religion

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Also, you can hashtag #ISARC22 or tag @isa_rc22 on Twitter and we will RT your info.

If you have the details of any association that does not appear in this list, please send them to